PERSONAL: Books, Books, Books

My final bachelor's year at uni is over, I have no resits and I handed in my bachelor's paper at the end of July; that means I've got oceans of free time now. It's been absolutely wonderful so far and no, I haven't been bored for a second.
Mostly I've been gaming, watching series, going to the gym, cooking and reading. I have always been a bookworm and will hopefully never stop reading as much as I do. If you're interested in my taste and reading habits, you can add me on Goodreads.

So this is my 'read' pile. It's a pretty odd combination of literature, young adult, graphic novels and, well, smut. I just have a rather odd taste in books, I'll read pretty much anything.

And yes, okay, I cheated. I'd been reading The Complete Sherlock Holmes for almost a year before I finished it. To be fair, I did read the final 800 pages in the course of July.
I could recommend any book from this pile, they're all great in their own way. However, I do have a confession. There was this one book that I picked up from the library and didn't finish. I was 50 pages in when I decided The Jane Austen Book Club just really wasn't working for me.

To Read
This pile is slightly more ambitious than the previous one... Seems I've postponed reading all my big books for too long, and I haven't read any of my French novels yet. I'm trying to improve my French and what better way than by reading?

I promised myself to finish all of my Margaret Atwood books before I'd buy any new ones. This was already milder than the first promise which forbade me from buying any books until I'd read most of the unfinished novels on my shelves. Obviously I didn't keep either of those promises. 
Recently I've also picked up the habit of listening to audiobooks on the bus or while working out at the gym. Currently I'm listening to The Monsters Inside, a Doctor Who novel.

I Also Bought Some Stuff That's Not Books
Yesterday I finally saw a very old friend of mine again; not only did we have a great time, she also gave me some helpful advice: I complained about the difficulties of finding (affordable) female blouses without frills or other ridiculous decorations. Thanks to her, I ended up in the men's section. So yes, that's a men's shirt and it fits me like a glove.

And no, I am totally not planning to do anything interesting with this white shirt and that tie in Slytherin colours. What ever would make you think that?

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