Every now and then, even the greatest fashion queens have to ask themselves a very important, life-altering question: "is my aesthetic really worth dying of heatstroke for?" For me, the answer is 'no' which is the main reason I haven't posted an outfit in a while. Ever since Summer's arrived, I've been avoiding body-covering fabrics as best as I can. Luckily I still had these pictures sitting on my hard drive; this is the outfit I wore to two of my friends' wedding.
It turned out I'd missed the part where guests were advised against wearing heels. I should probably have figured that out by myself, the wedding being held in the ruins of a castle at the top of some very steep rocks. I'm still trying to understand how my boots have survived their rocky trial, and how I've managed to not break any of my bones.
How much jewellery is too much, amiright? Since my outfits are usually quite minimalistic, this amount of accessories seems bordering on insane but I'm on a long and challenging journey of self-improvement. Accessorizing, it's srs bsns.
To make up for the fact that I had one too many accessories dangling from my body, I'd left my makeup quite minimalistic. It had been a while since I'd last used my purple eyeshadows and for the life of me I can't figure out why. I skipped lipstick because I didn't feel like having to touch up my makeup every time I'd so much as glanced at a glass of wine.
These pictures really took me back to a time when life was easy and free of sunburn, heatstroke, and ill-functioning fans. Now it's time to crawl back under a rock and hide from the vicious daystar. Are any of you pining for moderate temperatures or am I the only one who despises summer? Comfy jumpers are bae, baring skin is not; I'm just not equipped to deal with this weather.