Confession: there are way too many bags on my wishlist. That's not actually my fault but that of women's clothing designers, who have decided that women have no need for normal-sized pockets. Why would anyone want to give women pockets when the alternative - selling them overpriced handbags - is so, so much better?
But let's be real here, I do love bags. I tend to carry around far too many unnecessary items in my handbag but then again, I would hardly call being prepared for the zombie apocalypse a flaw in character.
Still sobbing over that Moon Child bag because I need it in my life. It looks like you could throw all of your belongings in there and you'd still have room to harbour a small child, which is pretty much everything I look for in a bag. But alas, I need to be strong and save up money for Wave Gotik Treffen. If I don't find my taste in bags there, something is seriously wrong with me.
Would you carry around any of these bags? Which is your favourite? And speaking of WGT, who's going this year? If you see me, come say hi and please don't mind my non-existent social skills. At least I'm funny on the internet.