It has taken me a very long time to come to terms with the fact that I am not, in fact, the the gothest of them all. May the goth cabal strike me down. Without further ado, I give you the real me:
It took me a while to finally admit to this but I love trash TV. Reality
shows are far too entertaining. I have also watched every single episode
of Glee and enjoyed it.
My taste in music is all over the place. I'm not a very picky listener, I try to listen to a lot of different genres but there are some I just can't get into. Deathrock is definitely not my thing. I will dance to it at a party but that is where our relationship ends.
I have never worn a perfectly black outfit. I own a white cat.
Exhibit A: A very white cat
I don't understand why people go visit graveyards for shits and giggles (she said, frantically trying to cover her blog's title). I don't want to go as far as saying that it's disrespectful but I just don't understand the appeal.
Cigarettes are evil. Smoking is evil. Never in my life will I smoke, ever.
In daily life, I look terrifyingly boring because of my normal human
being disguise. You really don't want to run into me on a lazy Sunday.
Those who have been following my blog for a while will probably be (far too) aware of this, but I am a massive geek. By that I mean that I like things. Intensely and obsessively. Once I join a new fandom, I lose all chill. I will literally cry about my favourite characters.
Exhibit B: Geeking out at Pairi Daiza because I found a tiny stone circle that reminded me of Outlander. This is the face of a maniac.
I speak fluent meme. It's my primary means of communication.
The holidays are my absolute favourite time of the year. My mother likes to call me a hobbit for that exact reason. I love Christmas decorations, buying and giving presents, preparing food, and even some (!) Christmas songs. Come December, I become possessed by the spirit of Christmas and yes, I will wear ugly Christmas sweaters unironically.
I have very conflicting feelings about spiders. They terrify me but please please please don't kill them, just put them outside okay, I said DON'T KILL THEM THOSE POOR THINGS
Do you have any ungoth confessions you'd like to share or do you want to shout at me for shattering your hopes and dreams? Please let me know in a comment.